Except I don' t live too close to the grand serenity of the wild anymore...no, I its been a long long time since I woke up to ravens screaming at me. These days its more likely an ambulance or a homeless fellow doing the screaming as it passes my bedroom window. I can proudly call Oakland California my home now. It's all okay though, I'm here for school. Giving a future career in motion graphics the good ol' college try. If you knew me you would say "Well hey, that's a pretty darn good fit" but you likely don't...so take my word for it.
It's not all completely hopeless though, in terms of the outdoors. The weather is still crisp enough that I can justify testing out the occasional soft shell and fleece. What's more, I am pretty close to the hills bordering the backside of Oakland and Berkeley, and I'm sure that with some mild effort I can find some good trails out there. I've even heard rumors of rocks for climbing (albeit mostly eliminators). A quick motorbike ride north or south will also bring me out into some beautiful coastal parks that I will have to make the time to explore.
It may not be close to home for ya'll Davis folk, but I'm gonna post anyway, just for fun.
I think I'll also post artwork on here if it's of the ODD staff, just for kicks, and to embarrass them.
Good times
Correct English is actually "I might have forgotten", in case you slept through that particular lesson. LOL.